The Gator Hall of Fame

Herewith the daily winners of this prestigious award. I’m sure they are all thrilled. Really. I can’t imagine receiving anything better…

3rd Award

Our 3rd award, after much anticipation, is finally given to a student: Maria P.

Yes, Maria P gained it for, on two different occasions (one even in front of her host family) calling Flamingos, Flamencos.

2nd Award

With everything to win and nothing to lose, the girls eagerly awaited the next round. Mrs VC’s triumph, however, is one all feels is greatly deserved. It would seem the staff so far are the one’s who seem to be the most embarrassing…

Indeed, Mrs VC won for her failure to tell the difference between ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Macbeth’ – a difference that a LV was able to correct her on…

1st Award 

Competition was fierce but, as you can see with the results below, Mr Whiting was declared our first winner.

Mr Whiting gained ‘The Gator Award’ for the Church’s choir director misunderstanding his comment that the cameras will zoom in on anyone ‘fat’ rather than singing ‘flat’ which prompted the director to say ‘You need to annunciate, Mr Whiting. Annunciate.’